Ovid Loves Music :: Manel

Hey Ovidians! Whatcha listening to these days?? Music has the special power to transport you to many places - be it a location, a time in your life, or even another person's experience. The power all lay within your imagination and willingness to travel.


 It's high summer and we're listening to Barcelona band, Manel.  More specifically, the song "Ai, Dolors." This came on the radio while driving to a beach near Costa Brava, hoping to escape a bit of the heat and summer crowds.  

🍍 ❤ 🌴




Wanna have a listen?  Check out Ai, Dolors here


Manel is a Catalan folk-pop band that made its critically-acclaimed album debut in 2008 with Els Millors. Founded in 2007 in Barcelona, Spain. - Spotify


Visit our Barcelona playlist to hear more and others similar by traveling to our spotify channel, here

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